Mellel Mobile Released

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Moderators: Eyal Redler, redlers, Ori Redler

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Re: Mellel Mobile Released

Post by lgreen666 »

Hi - I really like Mellel Mobile on the iPad - just a couple of things - is it possible to have a top ruler with tab stops etc., even if it were optional? Also could there be an option to shade the area outside of the document a different colour (or even just a mid light grey)?

Are you going to integrate the files app into the open document home screen?

I love Mellel on the Mac and really think this could be the word processor on the iPad for all of us who aren't keen on pages and loath Microsoft
Eyal Redler
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Re: Mellel Mobile Released

Post by Eyal Redler »

Thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you like Mellel Mobile and I hope the future you predict will come true.
Regarding the ruler, this is planned, hopefully soon.
Regarding the areat around the document, since space is at a premium on the iPad, the page fills the entier screen by fitting it to the width of the screen so any grey background we might put there would not be visible (unless we make the page smaller). Are you asking for the page to be smaller?
Regarding files, I'm not sure. I'm assuming you're aware that it is poosible to open and save files to the files app and that you're asking the UI for the document manager to be based on the file app (like many other applications). What are the advantages of this for you? Perhaps other people reading this can tell us what they think.
Eyal Redler
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Re: Mellel Mobile Released

Post by lgreen666 »


Having a ruler would make the world of difference I think.

I use Mellel on 13" iPad with magic keyboard and in this setup (which I imagine will be common, that is horizontally with a keyboard irrespective of iPad size) there is a lot of white space beyond the page boundaries - I know I could zoom in and fill the screen which would make text way too large - just having an option for a grey border outside of the page boundaries would be great - have it off by default. But having the ruler gets you most of the way to visually defining what is the page from what is the interface.

Yes I was asking for the main Mellel screen where you select the document to have the option of displaying the browse sidebar of the file app - I find this helpful because it reinforces the structure which goes a good way towards a more Mac mentality and is generally very handy when you have multiple sources for all your files

I think this is a real achievement to have so much packed into version 1 of an application
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