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Hyphenation not longer working [problem solved with 3.4.1]

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:35 pm
by jbq
Hyphenation is not longer working in all my respective documents / paragraph styles - regardless the defined language (German & English).
I already reinstalled the Hyphenation set from the website, without any results. The user dictionary is also defunct (= adding a word/hyphenation doesn't change anything).

The same phenomenon on both my computers (iMac and MacBook Air).
My setup:
- Mellel 4.3
- OS 10.10.4

Some ideas? (New) settings I overlooked? Thanks a lot!

Re: Hyphenation not longer working

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:29 pm
by mnohl
I have no answer but am experiencing the same issue. Since the update to 4.3 (on OS 10.9.4) hyphenation has stopped working.

Re: Hyphenation not longer working

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 11:22 pm
by c_szabo
Dear RedleX,

When in the next few days can we expect an emergency update that fixes the broken (as in, currently non-functioning) hyphenation, that has been in this state for almost a month?

Re: Hyphenation not longer working [problem solved with 3.4.

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:14 am
by c_szabo
Dear RedleX,

THANK YOU for your prompt attention!

The update (that fixes hyphenation) is available.

I eagerly await it to appear in the App Store.

Cheers, and thank you.

Re: Hyphenation not longer working [problem solved with 3.4.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 5:57 am
by growlerbox
Hyphenation now works perfectly in the desktop version, but when documents are then opened in the iOS version, hyphenation does not carry over. Not a huge deal for me right now, but if I were to print from my iPad, I might change my mind about that.

I can only assume the next iOS update will implement the new fix.

Still loving the (otherwise) pretty seamless cross-platform experience, though. All that needs to happen now is to include the automatic iCloud synching I believe is available in the App Store verison in the Redlex-store version, and/or make both desktop and iOS versions integrate via Dropbox.