Feature request: LaTex format palette for Equations

Feature requests, and in-depth discussions of features and the way Mellel works

Moderators: Eyal Redler, redlers, Ori Redler

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Feature request: LaTex format palette for Equations

Post by rraiszadeh »

The new Equations feature is fantastic. However, since memorizing the LaTeX format can be challenging, it would be incredibly helpful if you could include a format palette. This palette would allow users to select the necessary LaTeX format codes (e.g., fraction, integral, etc.) to be inserted into the code field.
Eyal Redler
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Re: Feature request: LaTex format palette for Equations

Post by Eyal Redler »

Good idea. Maybe we can add some "factory" items to the Library menu?
What kind of things do think should be included?
Eyal Redler
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Re: Feature request: LaTex format palette for Equations

Post by megira »


Joining to the request This could be a significant improvement for academic users, especially for those who work with equations regularly, such an academics which is the target audience of the app. One tool worth considering as a starting point is MJXGUI, an open-source project that offers a visual interface for building equations (similar to Word), while generating LaTeX code in the background.

How This Could Work in Mellel:
• Users select symbols like Σ, integrals, fractions, or matrices and input the specific parameters through a simple GUI.
• MJXGUI converts the input into LaTeX code, which Mellel already processes seamlessly using MathJax

Since Mellel integrates MathJax, using something like MJXGUI (which also uses it) could simplify the implementation and save time. Here’s the link for more information: MJXGUI GitHub. https://github.com/hrushikeshrv/mjxgui

Other Tools for Inspiration:
1. LyX: A robust, open-source document processor with a built-in LaTeX equation palette. While it’s a full editor, its equation palette could provide useful ideas.

2. MathQuill: A GUI-based tool for creating and editing LaTeX equations,

And many more..

Adding such a feature would make Mellel even more intuitive and versatile for academic writing. Thank you for considering this!
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Re: Feature request: LaTex format palette for Equations

Post by rraiszadeh »

It would be great if Mellel could have a palette from which the user can click, for example, on fraction a/b or power a^b or the Greek letters, and the code appears in the Equation Code box. The apps "xFormula-Equation Editor" or "Equation Maker" on the app store do this. The project that was mentioned by megira also does this task.
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