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improved German hyphenation

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:53 pm
by Reiner
I did some improvements of the German hyphenation dictionary. MellelHyphenationLab is a great utility when you once have figured out how it works. But while the hyphenation is a bit tricky especially because of the millions of possible composed words it would be great if someone would have a look at my additions. It's possible that I made some additions which produce other wrong hyphenations I overlooked.

Would be great if some German speakers would leave comments here if you found errors or not. In a week or two I will send the improved dictionary to Ori.

here you can download the dictionary (hlab-file)
and here a txt-file with my improvements

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:59 pm
by Reiner
I just added some more improvements. For those who already downloaded the first version, the new changes are mentioned first in the Textfile (with the German headings).

But let me ask a question: noone has comments? No errors found?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:11 pm
by ozean
I have taken a look at the .txt file, realized that I know nothing about the way the hyphenation stuff works in Mellel and thus decided not to comment. Other than that I can only applaud any improvements you make to hyphenation in Mellel! (Especially since I am really bad at hyphenation rules…)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:17 pm
by Reiner
by the way what I forget to mention: My improvements all follow the most actual official hyphenation rules.

@ocean: have you tried my improved dictionary with your texts? In case you don't know how to compile the dictionary, I also upload a compiled-version you just have to unzip and install within

Code: Select all

~/Library/Application Support/Mellel/Hyphenation Dictionaries
and restart Mellel.

Download it here

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:42 pm
by suavito
Like ocean, I don't know anything about the technical side of Mellel's hyphenation lab so forgive me if my question is totally stupid:

Do the modifications of the hyphenation dictionary work together with CocoAspell? I replaced the German dictionary of the OS by Aspell because so I get the pre-reformation German orthography.

This may sound contradictory as you said your modifications follow the latest hyphenation rules, but my question is more a general one – can any modification of the hyphenation work with an Aspell dictionary?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:08 pm
by rpcameron
No, the hyphenation files are solely for the use with Mellel. They do not interact with any other program.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:20 pm
by Reiner
As I understand it CocoaSpell is just an alternative for the system wide spell checking and it has nothing to do with hyphenation.

Btw: What are your experiences with CocoaSpell? Are you satisfied with it?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:42 pm
by matthias

I installed your hyphenation dictionary and played a little with it. As far as I can say it works very well! Two examples may illustrate that: "schließlich" was hyphenated as "schlie-ßlich" and "Rechtsstaatlichkeit" would come out as "Rechts-s-taat-lich-keit". With your dictionary both words are hyphened correctly as "schließ-lich" and "Rechts-staat-lich-keit".

Great work, thanks a lot. I'll keep a look at hypenation and report back in a few days.


Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:51 am
by Reiner
Just to let you now I uploaded once again an improved version And I have a further suggestion: Next week I am away from the internet but should have some time which could be used senseful. Post your German words here wich are not hyphenated correcty with this newest dictionary. I will take the list with me and hopefully post a new dic wich solves the problems by the end of next week. But no promises. And only German hyphenation of course.

I can only work with posts which are posted at the latest on Saturday (23rd of June).

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:34 pm
by suavito
Reiner, I have been using CocoAspell only for a short time so I can't give you no more than a "not bad, not perfect either" yet.

I am happy to have my "muß" and "daß" back. On the other hand I had to untick the "Allow run-together words" box because it generated in the context menu a enormously long list of run-together monstrosities that reminded me a lot of the old childrens' joke "Donaudampfschiffahrtskapitänsjackenknopf" and forced me to scroll through the context menu to reach "learn spelling".

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:03 am
by Hans-Reinhard Koch
Dear Reiner,

You have done a great job and improved the German hyphenation substantially. I have some more examples of wrong or incomplete hyphenations:

sess-haft instead of ses-shaft
Linsentrü-bung instead of Linsentr-ü-bung
vernünftigerweise do not hyphenate vernü-nftigerweise
län-ge-ren instead of län-geren
me-di-zin-ge-schich-te instead of medi-zinge-schich-te
re-gi-strier-te instead of re-gis-trier-te
Wund-ärzte instead of Wun-därz-te
ame-ri-ka-ni-schen instead of amerik-anischen
ge-nannt instead of ge-n-annt
sub-stanz instead of sub-st-anz
Mo-no-gra-phie instead of Mo-no-graphie
deut-scher instead of deut-s-cher
Deutsch-land instead of Deutschland
Fi-nanz-lage instead of Fi-n-an-z-lage

Just another Question: Is it possible to implement in hyphenation lab the typical German hyphenation rule for breaking "ß" (sharp s) to "s-s" and "ck" to "k-k"?

Thanks for this very valuable contribution!


Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:15 pm
by Reiner
Hans-Reinhard Koch wrote:Just another Question: Is it possible to implement in hyphenation lab the typical German hyphenation rule for breaking "ß" (sharp s) to "s-s" and "ck" to "k-k"?
As I see it: No. It would be principially possible to make two different hyphenation dics, one for the old and one for the new rules, but these typical things, which aren't part of the new rules are not possible with the current version of MHL I think.

I will have a look at your problematic words. Thanks for the answer.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:54 pm
by Reiner
Hans-Reinhard, your problematic words are already fixed. Please test it. I updated the download-links.

@all: Please post every German words you can imagine which contain one of the following phrases. I need this to doublecheck some patterns I deleted. Thank you.

- "ditan"
- "ditin"
- "ntrü"

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:18 pm
by Hans-Reinhard Koch
Reiner, I have some more for your vacation.

Spott-lied instead of Spo-ttlied
Spott-lie-des instead of Spo-ttlie-des
In-stru-men-ten-grif-fen instead of Instrumen-ten-griffen
Diener-tross instead of Dienert-ross
ein-fluss-reich-sten instead of einflussreichs-ten
In-struk-tions-kur-se instead of Ins-truk-tions-kurse
All-ge-mein-an-äs-the-sie instead of All-ge-mein-an-ästhe-sie
physiologi-scher instead of physiologis-cher
Kau-gummi instead of Kaug-ummi
Allgemein-anästhesie instead of Allgemei-n-anästhesie
wie-der-her-ge-stellt instead of wieder-herges-tellt
fort-laufende instead of for-tlaufende
Horn-häu-ten instead of Horn-h-äu-ten
Schmerz-un-em-pfind-lich-keit instead of Schmerzun-emp-find-lich-keit
zu-rück-ge-wan-nen instead of zurück-ge-w-an-nen
Hitz-schlag instead of Hitz-sch-lag
Au-gen-arzt instead of Auge-n-a-rzt
Hof-augenarzt Ho-faugenarzt
Do-ku-men-te instead of Do-kumen-te
Pi-o-nier-pha-se instead of Pionier-phase
skep-ti-scher skep-ti-s-cher
be-gann instead of be-g-ann

Enjoy it nevertheless!

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:37 pm
by Hans-Reinhard Koch
"ditan": When refuelling my car: Auditank, can't think of anything less far-fetched

"ditin": The Bandit's wife: Banditin

"ntrü": eintrüben, Eintrübung; untrügerisch