Repeating headers with footnotes
Moderators: Eyal Redler, redlers, Ori Redler
Repeating headers with footnotes
Hello, I have a table some headers have superscript with numbers connected to footnotes at the end of the page. Since, my table s couple of pages long, I used repeated headers. Unfortunately, repeated headers did not appear, so is the footnotes. So, I had to copy and paste the headers on the new page. İs it the correct way to do it? or repeating headers just does not work with superscripted footnotes?
Re: Repeating headers with footnotes
I believe that when repeating headers were implemented, the thought was that the entire text of the original headers would be repeated on the subsequent pages. This wouldn’t make sense if the headers contained footnote references, since a given footnote and a given footnote reference should appear only once in a document. So Mellel doesn’t allow this. And it has no provision for special headers on the first page of a table that differ from those used on subsequent pages. So I think this is a problem you’ll need to solve by hand.
Re: Repeating headers with footnotes
Thank you