Join Mellel for iPad beta

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Moderators: Eyal Redler, redlers, Ori Redler

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Eyal Redler
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Join Mellel for iPad beta

Post by Eyal Redler »

Lately we've been working very hard on a new incarnation of Mellel for the iPad.

This version marks a new direction and business model for Mellel on the iPad and our aim is to eventually make it just as powerful as its mac counterpart.

The first version of Mellel for the iPad is getting closer to being done and we hope to begin testing in the next couple of weeks.

You can join the beta group by signing up here:

You'll need an iPad running iOS 15 or better.
Eyal Redler
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Re: Join Mellel for iPad beta

Post by Amontillado »

Getting set up with TestFlight tonight, Eyal, and I found a couple of iPad tricks that I think will boost my productivity.

If you type on the iPad's virtual keyboard, or, if you open the virtual keyboard, you can press and hold the spacebar. The keyboard will turn gray, at which time the keyboard area is now a touchpad. You can drag the cursor through text. If you tap the keyboard, further dragging results in selecting a block of text.

Drag to the left with three fingers is undo in many applications, dragging with three fingers to the right is re-do.

Looking forward to testing Mellel on the iPad!
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Re: Join Mellel for iPad beta

Post by rmansfield »

I noticed after installing the new Mellel for iPad beta that the previous version of Mellel was still installed. Great! However, I wonder if with the next beta release, the icon could be differentiated, even if slightly, so we can tell the two program apart at a glance?
Richard Mansfield
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Re: Join Mellel for iPad beta

Post by Amontillado »

The new Mellel ended up beside the TestFlight icon. Moving the new one to its own home screen would be another idea.
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Re: Join Mellel for iPad beta

Post by laup »

Is there a user manual or tutorial for the new Mellel on iPad beta? It's been some years since I played with the previous iPad versions of Mellel or Bookends, so I'm having trouble with basics (other than opening an existing document). Also, my intuition for using these apps on iOS is poor since I ordinarily work on my Mac.
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